Golf Cart Battery Repair – What are your batteries worth?
Of course, they are worth $20! But by not investing as little as $20 your game of golf could end early, in frustration and embarrassment – because of your golf cart batteries.
One of the easiest golf cart maintenance tasks is looking after your golf cart batteries, yet it is one that many golfers overlook.
Golf cart battery maintenance is very important to get the best possible performance out of your golf cart. Whether you have a Club Car, EZGO, Yamaha golf cart, or one of the other golf cart models, below are the chapters and tips covered in the Electric Golf Cart Battery Guide to keep any golf cart batteries in excellent condition.
And, there are few things worse than having to call for help when you are in the middle of a game with friends, or worse – business colleagues.

Are your batteries worth spending $20? Of course, they are. The Electric Golf Cart Battery Guide is well worth the money.
Golf Cart Battery Repair – A Reflection On You
When playing a round of golf with clients or prospective clients, you need to present as a competent, professional person, someone they will feel comfortable doing business with.
Having your golf cart batteries fail, due to lack of a proper golf cart battery maintenance program, is not the lack of attention to detail you want to project.
Not only that – you will be the focus of attention.
They will be watching how you deal with the situation, and how you cope under pressure, and will know if the problem has been the result of poor equipment maintenance by you.
Golf Cart Battery Repair Maintenance Is Easy!
It really is – especially if you have learned the ins and outs from a comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow, guide like the Electric Golf Cart Battery Guide – which sells at present for just $19.99!
Is your game, your business, worth this investment? Of course, it is!
Here is an overview of what the Electric Golf Cart Battery Repair Guide will clearly show you, in a step-by-step way:
Chapter 1
How electric golf cart batteries work
Chapter 2
Tips on choosing the right golf cart batteries
Chapter 3
Charging your batteries
Chapter 4
Maintaining your golf cart batteries
Chapter 5
Using a battery hydrometer
Chapter 6
Removing and Changing Golf Cart Batteries
Chapter 7
Disposing of golf cart batteries
Chapter 8
Troubleshooting golf cart batteries
Chapter 9
Golf cart battery repair questions answered
Chapter 10
Golf Cart Winter Storage Tips
Chapter 11
Battery Do’s and Don’ts
You will be amazed at the simple steps it takes to maintain your golf cart batteries in top condition – and how clearly the steps are explained in this guide.
Because it is downloadable immediately, you can get to work on your batteries immediately – no excuses!
Imagine how impressed your golf buddies will be when you can come to the rescue of another player who failed golf cart battery repair maintenance 101.
The Golf Cart Battery Repair Guide is available for immediate download and, it makes a great gift for the golfer in your life.
It’s got additional information on golf cart batteries including how lead acid batteries work; how to use a hydrometer; charging batteries and troubleshooting golf cart batteries.
Need a New Golf Cart Battery Charger ?
There are lots of companies that make chargers and they don’t all have smart charging or storage charging. Contacting the manufacturer of your charger or searching for its specifications online can help you know how capable it may be or how often you should use it.
Deep cycle batteries that power golf carts are best maintained when they’re kept fully charged during downtime. This doesn’t mean that they should always be actively charging. It simply means that once they’re used for a while they should be charged up to full and that charge should be maintained at regular intervals to make sure that they don’t go dead as this can cause damage.